Knowledge Center
All seminars take place in our "Live Steam" Demonstration Room at Affiliated Steam's main office in Alsip, Illinois. Email our seminar coordinator for further information or to register for a seminar:
Steam Fundamentals Seminars
Through informal lecture, question and answer periods, live steam glass demonstration boards, slides, videos and PC computers technically trained instructors will lead you through actual field installations and operating problems. You'll be able to listen to the problems and suggestions of others and discuss how their solutions may benefit your steam system.
Hands On Seminars
Our Hands On Seminar was such an overwhelming success in its rookie year of 2001 that it has become part of our permanent curriculum. After a brief discussion about the basics of steam, it's time to get your hands dirty. You'll be troubleshooting and taking apart steam traps, pressure reducing valves and condensate pumps. You'll also be testing live steam traps and learning how to save money.
Customized Seminars
We can also customize a seminar for your individual group's specific needs. We can provide training for your company personnel to cover any or all topics included in our regular seminars; you can even choose the date and time that's most convenient for you.
Cancellation Policy
To avoid full registration charges, cancellation must be received at least 48-hours prior to seminar date.
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Steam Conservation Guidelines for Condensate Drainage P101
Minimizing Boiler Blowdown
Minimizing your blowdown rate can substantially reduce energy losses, as the temperature of the blowndown liquid is the same as that of the steam generated in the boiler. Minimizing blowdown will also reduce makeup water and chemical treatment costs.
Economizer Pays for Boiler in Less than 7 Years!
Take a new or existing steam boiler, install a Cain Industries economizer and great things happen.
Educations’s Partner in Energy and Facilities Management Equipment
Healthcare’s Partner in Energy and Facilities Management Equipment
Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage’s Partner in Production & Plant Management Equipment